The Learning Center Budget

The breakdown of costs for Hearts with Hope Foundation’s Learning Center are as follows:

Capital Campaign for Learning Center:
$4M (see graphic at right)

Exterior Campus Development over 3 years:

Programs & Services Annual Operations:

Raised to date (as of June 2023):

Our Partners

Thank you to those who have already contributed to capital, programs, and services for Learning Center.

Marvin and Denise Knight

Diane and Mike Schumacher

Hayden and Lauren Austin

Jerry and Carissa Dorris

Joseph Korenek

Kathryn Lofton

Nicholas and Allison Muhlbauer

Pat and Luevenia Chapman

MaryLee Allen Grant

Sharon Pierre

George and Valarie Mapula

Netty Rogers

Partners listed are for donations to date and do not include promissory commitments by additional donors for future funding.

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